Create a second view ( again using the default design) and call it ( Threads); select the Evaluate actions for every document save and Show response documents in a hierarchy options for this view, too. 创建另一个视图(同样使用默认设计),并将它命名为(Threads);对于这个视图,选择Evaluateactionsforeverydocumentsave和Showresponsedocumentsinahierarchy选项。
Mpacked-stack and-mno-packed-stack: These options control whether the stack frame uses a space-optimized, dense-packing scheme for register save slots. mpacked-stack和-mno-packed-stack:这些选项控制堆栈帧是否针对注册器保存槽(registersaveslot)使用空间优化的紧凑模式。
This step can save time determining which options will best increase capacity and improve performance. 此步骤可节约确定哪些选项将最好地提高容量和改进性能的时间。
The script includes a help screen to save the user the trouble of figuring out the options on his own. 脚本使用一个帮助屏幕,使用户能够自己找到选项。
When there are few save conflicts, optimistic concurrency provides better performance than other concurrency options, but if there are frequent collisions from different updates of the same record resulting in exceptions and rollbacks, then other concurrency options will provide better performance. 当保存冲突较少时,理想的并发控制能提供较其他并发选项更好的性能,但是如果对相同记录的不同更新经常有冲突导致异常或回滚,那么其他的并发选项会提供更好的性能。
The problem is that Chinese citizens 'propensity to save is not matched by investment options. 问题在于,中国居民的储蓄倾向与投资选项并不匹配。
To automatically save documents as you work, click options on the tools menu, and then click the save tab. 如果想在工作过程中自动保存文档,可单击“工具”菜单中的“选项”命令,再单击“保存”选项卡。
To protect a workbook so that a password is required to open it or save changes to it, Click Save as on the file menu, and then click options. 要保护工作簿,以便打开工作簿或保存对其的更改时必须提供密码,可单击“文件”菜单中的“另存为”命令,然后单击“选项”。
The save as options makes a copy of the item. “另存为”选项创建项的副本。
To back up the previous version of a workbook each time you save, click Save As on the File menu, click Options, and then select the Always Create Backup check box. 日积月累:若要在每次保存文件时都建立一个备份,请选择“文件”菜单中的“另存为”命令,然后单击“选项”按钮,选中“建立备份文件”复选框。
You can choose your desired output Colour Profile in the Cinema4D Render Settings – Save options. 在Cinema4D渲染设置,您可以选择您想要的输出颜色配置文件-保存选项。
To allow others to view but not to change a workbook, Click Save as on the file menu, click the options button, and then type a password in the password to modify box. 如果要使其他人只能浏览而不能修改工作簿,请选择“文件”菜单中的“另存为”命令,再单击“选项”按钮,然后在“修改权密码”编辑框内输入密码。
In the Replay menu, the player can select the'Save to Movie'button to bring up the Save options dialog. 在重播工具的选单,玩家可以选择「储存为电影档」按钮来叫出储存选项对话框。
To save time by limiting calculation to the active sheet, choose options from the tools menu, then choose the calc sheet button on the calculation tab. shortcut: shift+ f9. 如果为了节省时间而限定只重算活动文档,可选择“工具”菜单中的“选项”命令,在“重新计算”选项卡中单击“重算活动工作表”按钮。捷径:shift+f9。
Would you like to save and close the Display Properties and view the Folder Options instead? 是否保存并关闭显示属性而查看文件夹选项?
If you really want to save yourself major money but still eat healthy, sign up for a service or through a site that offers a variety of food options. 如果你真的想保存自己的主要资金,但仍然吃得健康,注册一个服务,或通过网站提供了多种选择的食物。
Customising your preferences will save you time by remembering your most frequently used shipping options. 定制您的首选项将通过记住您最常用的运输选项而节省您的时间。
Click Save to specify a name and location for your picture. Your picture will be saved with these options 单击保存指定图片的名称和位置。您的图片将使用下列选项保存
You can buy in bulk and not only save yourself some money, but also ensure that you have plenty of healthy protein options on hand at all times. 你可以购买散装,不仅自己节省一些钱,而且要确保你在任何时候手头上健康的蛋白质大量选择。
No save game yet ( contains options only). 尚无法储存游戏(只包括选项)
It's natural to want to save money and to explore options for the first time. 您当然希望节省资金,同时初探这些选项。
To use shadow system, PowerShadow, users can save and even run the destructive viruses and hacker programs. When the computer restarts, the former options do not have any harm to the original system. 使用影子系统PowerShadow,可以在计算机上存放、运行有破坏性的病毒、黑客程序,当计算机重新启动以后,对原来的系统无任何损害。